

  Documentary that reveals the secret story behind one of the greatest intellectual feats of World War II, a feat that gave birth to the digital age. In 1943, a 24-year-old maths student and a GPO engineer combined to hack into Hitler's personal super-code machine - not Enigma but an even tougher system, which he called his 'secrets writer'. Their break turned the Battle of Kursk, powered the D-day landings and orchestrated the end of the conflict in Europe. But it was also to be used during the Cold War - which meant both men's achievements were hushed up and never officially recognised开化电影网聚集搞笑片等全新电影西瓜影院最好看的影视免费观看,李子影视又名以传统文化为内核,希望能让大家喜欢。午夜电影。看精彩好片就关注我们吧!搞笑片等全新电影全网最为全面的开化电影网,西影影视网全集电视剧手机免费在线观看播放